If it hasn't you are not in a relationship. FACT.
Couples argue about money all the time, well most times. It doesn't matter that you're super rich, middle class or just plain broke. They say "money is the root of all evil" well not exactly. In this day and age, money is the root of happiness, and lots and lots of arguments and break ups.
Why is that you wonder? Before money.. remember during barter trade, those days when our ancestors used to work hard for their food and shelter, people would live communally, help each other build houses, harvest and plant and enjoy life with lots of festivals and celebrations and weddings too.
At least that's what i think life was like back then. Today you have to wake up, go to a job you dont like (for most of us), spend the whole day doing something that you have been doing for the last one month, one year, more than one year who knows... and then collect a meager paycheck at the end of the month. One that doesn't quite satisfy your needs. You have no chance of even planning for it, because it's already over before you even cash it. And the process goes on, like a robot, only programmed to do a certain job daily, for God knows how long. You probably could even write a detailed script of your job because it is deeply rooted in your brain.
For men it's worse, especially if you are married. You have to provide for the family, Your wife complains that you spend too much time working you barely have time for your family (I'm that wife). If you don't bring home any dime then she will complain that you are incapable of taking care of your family.You feel pressured because you actually even don't like the job, but you force yourself to wake up on a daily basis because you know your family depends on you to put food on the table. You have no time to reach for your dreams, you are even afraid that your time is running out and you will die a poor man.
So, when does money ever become enough, The answer is never, unless you can print your own money. when you are rich, you are probably going to want more, your relatives will want a piece of your wealth, your family will blame you for spending too much time working and you are probably gonna lose your wife. (Mostly applies to men). If you are broke, even worse because no one will want anything to do with you. They will disrespect you thoroughly, because after all money talks.
So what should you do, Get that money anyway, fulfill all your desires before you leave this earth, that is, if money will help you do that.. but either way remember MONEY WILL ROCK YOUR BOAT.
