Are you in Love?

If your answer to this question is yes, I'm happy for you. But, let me give you a warning, Love is hard. Why do you think all the world wishes for is world peace? because being in love, staying in love, maintaining that love it is hard. How do i know? I'm in love For 6 years now, i have been in love with the same person, but recently our love life has been a lot of hard work. Everyday feels like work and you know how hard it is to work.
When i met this guy i was head over heels, You know the saying "Love makes you crazy" I'm proof that it does. All the things you think you would never do even in your wildest dreams, be prepared to do them once you fall in love. And the worst thing about love is, you can never ever run away from it, that is why people never run away from it. 
Marriage is not a bed of roses, i did not know that until i got married. I mean i had heard the phrase, but couldn't quite comprehend it's significance. Occasionally you will meet a person who says "I'm only in this marriage for the sake of the children" well, now i know why they say that. Because i have felt it too. My mother told me "Don't get married when you are so young, Marriage is hard, This men are hard" i wish i listened to her. Now i know what she meant. They say experience is the best teacher, yet they also say it is better to learn from other peoples mistakes. I agree with the former but not the latter, because until you make your own mistakes, you will never learn.
Here is my advice from my #LoveWorld today, if you are not in love. Please be happy,  Enjoy this moment, Love will find you when it is time, don't go around looking for it, it will find you. And when it does, be ready for your world to be rocked. And, i mean that in every sense.

